The Consumer & Commercial Law Section of the State Bar of Texas
About the Section
The Section fosters cooperation and understanding between attorneys engaged in the practice of consumer and commercial law. The Section sponsors the annual Advanced Consumer and Commercial Law CLE each September as well as a half day CLE at the State Bar Annual Meeting each June. Section members receive benefits including free subscriptions to the acclaimed Journal of Consumer & Commercial Law edited by Richard Alderman and also receive Lexology, a compilation of legal blogs, plus discounted registration for Section sponsored CLE programs. The Section also hosts the annual Craig Jordan writing competition for Texas law students and hosts the Mark Kincaid Insurance Law Memorial Lecture.
Writing Competition
The Consumer and Commercial Law Section of the Texas State Bar announces the Craig Jordan Consumer Protection Writing Competition for 2023-24. This competition was established to honor the life’s work of Craig Jordan, a section founder and nationally recognized and respected consumer protection attorney. The writer of the winning essay will receive a $4,000.00 cash award and the essay may be published in the nationally recognized Journal of Consumer & Commercial Law. The runner up will receive a $1,000.00 cash award.
The Mission
The purpose of this section shall be to promote the objectives of the State Bar of Texas within the particular field designated by the name of the section, and to that end to create a better understanding and cooperation among those attorneys engaged in the practice of consumer and commercial law.
The Section offers opportunities to network with attorneys from both the plaintiff and defense bars at events like the annual meeting, the Advanced Consumer & Commercial Law CLE and Section sponsored receptions.
Areas of Practice
Our section is comprised of attorneys who practice or have an interest in consumer and commercial law and strives to promote civility and professionalism in the practice of law and also to serve as a resource by providing helpful information about consumer issues to members and to the public.
Meet the Council
Our section is comprised of attorneys who practice or have an interest in consumer and commercial law and strives to promote civility and professionalism in the practice of law and also to serve as a resource by providing helpful information about consumer issues to members and to the public.
Doug Scott, Christensen Hsu Sipes, LLP, Arlington, Chair
D. Esther Chavez, Office of the Attorney General, Austin, Chair Elect
Xerxes Martin, Malone Frost Martin, PLLC Dallas, Secretary
Rachel Hytken, Quilling, Selander Lownds, Winslett & Moser, Dallas, Treasurer
Gregg D. Stevens, McGlinchey Stafford, PLLC, Dallas, Immediate Past Chair
Emeritus Officers Members:
John Fugate, Fugate Law Office, Waco
Richard Alderman, Editor in Chief, Journal, Santa Fe, NM
Andrew Sattler, Sattler & Dwyre, PLLC, San Antonio
Terms Expire 2025:
Manny Newburger, Barron & Newburger, PC, Austin
Lu Ann Trevino, The Trevino Law Firm, Houston
Neil Sobol, Grapevine
Terms Expire 2024:
Mary Spector, SMU Dedman School of Law, Dallas
Carla Sanchez-Adams, National Consumer Law Center, Austin
Wayne Watson, McMahon Surovik Suttle, PC, Abilene
Terms Expire 2026:
Matthew John Kolodoski, Dallas
Eva Sikes, Brownsville
Martin Woodward, Dallas
Are you interested in Section Leadership?
If you are a Section member with ideas for improving the Section’s service to members, please consider serving on the Council. Council members serve a three year term. To nominate yourself or a colleague, please send an email to the Council’s Nominations Committee below.
In your email please include the name and contact information of the nominee and a brief description of your reasons for submitting the nomination.
Members and officers of the Council are elected each year at the Section’s annual meeting. The deadline for submitting a nomination to the Committee is: Friday, May 5, 2024.
Members of the 2024 Nominations Committee are: Esther Chavez, Xerxes Martin, Carla Sanchez-Adams, Mary Spector, and Wayne Watson.