About Us
Welcome to the Consumer & Commercial Law Section of the State Bar of Texas
Mission Statement
The purpose of this section shall be to promote the objectives of the State Bar of Texas within the particular field designated by the name of the section, and to that end to create a better understanding and cooperation among those attorneys engaged in the practice of consumer and commercial law.
The past few years have presented unprecedented challenges to Texas businesses and consumers and the way we practice law. It appears we are finally breaking free from the incredible difficulties brought on by the pandemic. The State Bar annual meeting was live. In addition, we had a successful turnout for the Advanced Consumer and Commercial Law course in September in Austin. These live events brought a sense of normalcy that was wonderful to see.
However, the effects of the pandemic are still with us, and now, more than ever, it is essential that we have attorneys trained in consumer and commercial laws to assist. Our section has a wide range of attorneys representing both sides of the docket, enabling the section to learn together to solve the unique problems we currently face. This section has donated time and money working with pro bono legal aid societies to assist those with nowhere to go. The section puts on the Craig Jordan writing contest for law students interested in consumer and commercial law topics. Congratulations to this year’s winners, Stacy Stevens of SMU Law School, and Sanaa Ghanim also of SMU Law School.
Further, this section puts out a quarterly Journal with in-depth articles written by attorneys at the top of their field, giving important information regarding matters of interest to section members. In addition, this message appears on our new website, which hopefully will provide important information about section events and will be easy to navigate so you, the members, can locate relevant information for your practice.
This section aims to assist those in this practice area to navigate the complexities and become better counselors for their clients regardless of which side of the docket you represent.
Very truly yours,
Gregg Stevens
Immediate Past Chair Consumer and Commercial Law Section